Got a fitness mat? Get your heart pumping and muscles moving with our Calorie Burning Exercises.

Level: Beginner / Equipment: Extra Large MatFocus: Cardio

1. Walking Squats

1: Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward.

2: Lower your body into a squat position by bending your knees and pushing your hips back.

3: Keep your chest up and your back straight as you lower down into the squat.

4: Once you have lowered down as far as you can go, take a large step to your left followed quickly by another step to the left.

5: Pause briefly before taking a large step to the right, followed by another.

6: Continue walking side to side in this manner for the desired number of reps.

2. Burpees

1: Begin in a standing position on the exercise mat with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2: Lower your body by bending your knees and place your hands flat on the mat in front of you, so they're shoulder-width apart.

3: Jump your feet back to a plank position, with your hands and feet supporting your body weight.

4: Lower your body into a push-up, keeping your elbows close to your body and your core engaged.

5: Push back up to the plank position and jump your feet forward towards your hands.

6: Jump up explosively, throwing your arms backwards to propel you. 

7: Land softly back on the mat and immediately repeat the move for the desired number of reps.

3. Jumping Jacks

1: Begin by standing in the middle of the exercise mat with your feet together and your arms at your sides.

2: Jump up and spread your legs apart while simultaneously lifting your arms up and out to the sides.

3: Your arms should reach up to shoulder level or higher and your legs should be slightly wider than hip-width apart.

4: Jump again to return to the starting position, bringing your arms and legs back together.

5: Land softly on the mat to reduce the impact on your joints.

6: Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps, jumping out and in with your legs and arms.

4. Jumping Lunge

1: Start in a lunge position with your right leg forward and your left leg back.

2: From the lunge position, jump upward explosively, switching your feet in mid-air, so your left foot lands in front and your right foot lands behind you.

3: As you land, immediately lower down into a lunge position with your left knee over your ankle and your right knee hovering above the ground.

4: Continue to alternate back and forth, jumping explosively and switching your feet with each rep. Aim to perform 10 to 15 repetitions on each leg.

5. Crossover Knee Touches

1: Start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels, with your core engaged and your glutes squeezed.

2: Lift your right hand off the ground and move it toward your left foot, so it crosses your body diagonally.

3: Once your right hand has touched your left foot, lift it up and return it to the starting position.

4: Repeat with your left hand, moving it toward your right foot and touching your toes.

5: Continue to alternate between your right and left feet, touching your hand to the opposite foot each time. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

6. Pendulum Lunge

1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, keeping your core engaged and your shoulders relaxed.

2: Step forward with your left foot, bending your left knee and lowering your body down into a lunge position, so your right knee is hovering just above the ground.

3: From the lunge position, drive through your right heel and step backwards with your left foot landing behind you.

4: Bend your right knee and lower your body down into a lunge position on the opposite side, with your left knee hovering just above the ground.

5: From the lunge position, drive through your right heel and step forward with your left foot, returning to the starting position.

6: Continue to alternate between your right foot and your left foot and repeat for the desired number of reps.

7. Bear Crawl

1: Start in a table top position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees hip-width apart, hovering just above the ground.

2: Lift your knees off the ground, and balance on your hands and toes, keeping your core engaged and your glutes squeezed.

3: Begin crawling forward by moving your right hand and left foot forward simultaneously, followed by your left hand and right foot.

4: Continue to move forward, alternating between your right and left hands and feet. Keep your hips level and your core engaged throughout.

5: To crawl backward, reverse the movement by moving your left hand and right foot backward, followed by your right hand and left foot.

6: Continue crawling forward and backward for the desired number of reps.

8. Bicycle Crunches

1: Lie on your back with your legs stretched out and your hands behind your head.

2: Lift your shoulders and upper back off the mat.

3: While twisting your torso, raise your left leg off the floor, bringing your right elbow towards your left knee. They should meet in the middle of your body.

4: Lower your body back to the starting position, then repeat on the other side by bringing your left elbow towards your right knee.

5: Continue to alternate between your right and left sides, pedalling your legs as if you're riding a bicycle.

6: Aim to complete 10 to 12 reps on each side or however many you feel comfortable doing.

9. Curtsey Lunge

1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, keeping your core engaged.

2: Step your left foot back, so it's behind your right leg, bending both knees to a 90-degree angle as if you're curtsying.

3: Keep your right knee directly over your right ankle, and lower your left knee down towards the mat, without touching it.

4: Press through your right heel to return to the starting position.

5: Repeat the move on the other side by stepping your right foot back, so it's behind your left leg.

6: Continue alternating sides for the desired number of reps.

10. Plank Jacks

1: Start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart on the mat and your feet together behind you.

2: Engage your core, squeeze your glutes, and keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.

3: Begin by jumping your feet apart, landing them softly on the mat, while keeping your hands in the same position.

4: Next, jump your feet back together, returning to the starting position.

5: Continue to jump your feet in and out, while keeping your upper body stable.

6: Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Featured Product

Core Balance Extra Large Exercise Mat is perfect for practising calorie burning exercises.
Extra Large Mat