Easily master the basics of hula hooping with our Top Tips for Using a Weighted Hula Hoop.

Level: Beginner / Equipment: Hula HoopFocus: Cardio / Toning

1. Standard Hula Hooping

Choose the right size: Weighted hula hoops come in different sizes and weights, so choose one that fits your height and fitness level. A hoop that's too small or too light may not provide enough resistance, while one that's too big or too heavy can be difficult to use.

Warm up: Before you start hula hooping, it's important to warm up your body with some light stretching and cardio exercises to prevent injury.

Position the hoop: Stand with your feet slightly turned out and shoulder-width apart. Place the hoop around your waist, so it's resting on your lower back, just above your hips.

Start hooping: To start hooping, give the hoop a good spin around your waist and begin moving your hips in a circular motion. Try to keep the hoop moving by pushing your hips forward and back, rather than just spinning the hoop around your waist.

Practice different moves: Once you get the hang of basic hooping, try incorporating some different moves to challenge yourself and work different muscles. For example, you can try hooping while lunging or squatting, or moving the hoop up and down your body.

Increase intensity: To increase the intensity of your workout, you can try using a heavier hoop or hooping for longer periods of time.

2. Walking Hula Hooping

Start with stationary hooping: Before you try walking and hooping at the same time, it's best to master stationary hooping first. Follow the steps in the previous guide to learn the basics.

Choose a flat and open space: Find a flat, open space with enough room for you to walk and move freely without hitting any objects or people.

Start walking: Once you feel comfortable with stationary hooping, start walking slowly in a straight line. Keep your knees slightly bent and your core engaged to help maintain the hoop's momentum.

Maintain the hoop's momentum: As you walk, continue to move your hips in a circular motion to keep the hoop rotating around your waist. If the hoop starts to slow down or fall, try adjusting your speed or hip movements to keep it going.

Practice turning: Once you're comfortable walking in a straight line, try turning left or right while hooping. Start with small turns and gradually increase the difficulty.

Increase speed and intensity: To increase the intensity of your workout, you can try walking faster or incorporating other moves while hooping, like lunges or squats.

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Learning how to use a weighted hula hoop is easy with this Core Balance Weighted Hula Hoop.
Weighted Hula Hoop